#region license
(c) 2011-2015, Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2016 VPKSoft
Based on a JavaScript library SunCalc for calculating sun/moon position and light phases.
Translated to c# by VPKSoft, http://www.vpksoft.net
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SunMoonCalcs
public static class DateTimeJavaScriptExt
public static double ValueOf(this DateTime dt) // JavaScript Date.valueOf()
dt = dt.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local ? dt.ToUniversalTime() : dt;
return (dt - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds;
public static DateTime FromJScriptValue(this DateTime dt, double ms)
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(ms);
public class SunMoonCalcs
private const double dayMs = 86400000;
private const double J1970 = 2440588;
private const double J2000 = 2451545;
private const double PI = Math.PI;
private const double rad = Math.PI / 180.0;
private const double e = rad * 23.4397; // obliquity of the Earth
public class SunTime
public double Angle { get; set; }
public string MorningName { get; set; }
public string EveningName { get; set; }
public class SunTimeRiseSet : SunTime
public DateTime RiseTime { get; set; }
public DateTime SetTime { get; set; }
// sun times configuration (angle, morning name, evening name)
public static List<SunTime> SunTimes = new List<SunTime>(new SunTime[]
new SunTime { Angle = -0.833, MorningName = "sunrise", EveningName = "sunset" },
new SunTime { Angle = -0.3, MorningName = "sunriseEnd", EveningName = "sunsetStart" },
new SunTime { Angle = -6, MorningName = "dawn", EveningName = "dusk" },
new SunTime { Angle = -12, MorningName = "nauticalDawn", EveningName = "nauticalDusk" },
new SunTime { Angle = -18, MorningName = "nightEnd", EveningName = "night" },
new SunTime { Angle = 6, MorningName = "goldenHourEnd", EveningName = "goldenHour" }
// adds a custom time to the times config
public static void AddTime(SunTime sunTime)
public class RaDec
public double ra = 0;
public double dec = 0;
public static double ToJulianDate(DateTime dt)
dt = dt.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local ? dt.ToUniversalTime() : dt;
return (dt - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds / dayMs - 0.5 + J1970;
public static DateTime FromJulianDate(double jd)
return double.IsNaN(jd)
? DateTime.MinValue
: new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds((jd + 0.5 - J1970) * dayMs);
public static double JulianDays(DateTime dt)
dt = dt.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local ? dt.ToUniversalTime() : dt;
return ToJulianDate(dt) - J2000;
public static double RightAscension(double l, double b)
return Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(l) * Math.Cos(e) - Math.Tan(b) * Math.Sin(e), Math.Cos(l));
public static double Declination(double l, double b)
return Math.Asin(Math.Sin(b) * Math.Cos(e) + Math.Cos(b) * Math.Sin(e) * Math.Sin(l));
public static double Azimuth(double H, double phi, double dec)
return Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(H), Math.Cos(H) * Math.Sin(phi) - Math.Tan(dec) * Math.Cos(phi));
public static double Altitude(double H, double phi, double dec)
return Math.Asin(Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(dec) + Math.Cos(phi) * Math.Cos(dec) * Math.Cos(H));
public static double SiderealTime(double d, double lw)
return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * d) - lw;
public static double AstroRefraction(double h)
if (h < 0) // the following formula works for positive altitudes only.
h = 0; // if h = -0.08901179 a div/0 would occur.
// formula 16.4 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998.
// 1.02 / tan(h + 10.26 / (h + 5.10)) h in degrees, result in arc minutes -> converted to rad:
return 0.0002967 / Math.Tan(h + 0.00312536 / (h + 0.08901179));
// general sun calculations
public static double SolarMeanAnomaly(double d)
return rad * (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * d);
public static DateTime HoursLater(DateTime dt, double h)
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(dt.ValueOf() + h * dayMs / 24);
public static double EclipticLongitude(double M)
double C = rad * (1.9148 * Math.Sin(M) + 0.02 * Math.Sin(2 * M) +
0.0003 * Math.Sin(3 * M)); // equation of center
double P = rad * 102.9372; // perihelion of the Earth
return M + C + P + PI;
public static RaDec SunCoords(double d)
double M = SolarMeanAnomaly(d);
double L = EclipticLongitude(M);
return new RaDec { dec = Declination(L, 0), ra = RightAscension(L, 0) };
public class MoonRaDecDist
public double ra = 0;
public double dec = 0;
public double dist = 0;
public static MoonRaDecDist MoonCoords(double d) // geocentric ecliptic coordinates of the moon
double L = rad * (218.316 + 13.176396 * d); // ecliptic longitude
double M = rad * (134.963 + 13.064993 * d); // mean anomaly
double F = rad * (93.272 + 13.229350 * d); // mean distance
double l = L + rad * 6.289 * Math.Sin(M); // longitude
double b = rad * 5.128 * Math.Sin(F); // latitude
double dt = 385001 - 20905 * Math.Cos(M); // distance to the moon in km
return new MoonRaDecDist { ra = RightAscension(l, b), dec = Declination(l, b), dist = dt };
public class SunCalc
private const double J0 = 0.0009;
public class AzAlt
public double azimuth = 0;
public double altitude = 0;
public static AzAlt GetPosition(DateTime dt, double lat, double lng)
double lw = rad * -lng;
double phi = rad * lat;
double d = JulianDays(dt);
RaDec c = SunCoords(d);
double H = SiderealTime(d, lw) - c.ra;
return new AzAlt { azimuth = Azimuth(H, phi, c.dec), altitude = Altitude(H, phi, c.dec) };
public static double JulianCycle(double d, double lw)
return Math.Round(d - J0 - lw / (2 * PI));
public static double ApproxTransit(double Ht, double lw, double n)
return J0 + (Ht + lw) / (2 * PI) + n;
public static double SolarTransitJ(double ds, double M, double L)
return J2000 + ds + 0.0053 * Math.Sin(M) - 0.0069 * Math.Sin(2.0 * L);
public static double HourAngle(double h, double phi, double d)
return Math.Acos((Math.Sin(h) - Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(d)) / (Math.Cos(phi) * Math.Cos(d)));
// returns set time for the given sun altitude
public static double GetSetJ(double h, double lw, double phi, double dec, double n, double M, double L)
double w = HourAngle(h, phi, dec);
double a = ApproxTransit(w, lw, n);
return SolarTransitJ(a, M, L);
// solar disc diameter
public static void GetTimes(DateTime dt, double lat, double lng, out DateTime rise, out DateTime set,
double angle = -0.833)
double lw = rad * -lng;
double phi = rad * lat;
double d = JulianDays(dt);
double n = JulianCycle(d, lw);
double ds = ApproxTransit(0, lw, n);
double M = SolarMeanAnomaly(ds);
double L = EclipticLongitude(M);
double dec = Declination(L, 0);
double Jnoon = SolarTransitJ(ds, M, L);
double Jset = GetSetJ(angle * rad, lw, phi, dec, n, M, L);
double Jrise = Jnoon - (Jset - Jnoon);
rise = double.IsNaN(Jrise) ? DateTime.MinValue : FromJulianDate(Jrise);
set = double.IsNaN(Jset) ? DateTime.MinValue : FromJulianDate(Jset);
public static List<SunTimeRiseSet> GetTimes(DateTime dt, double lat, double lng)
List<SunTimeRiseSet> retval = new List<SunTimeRiseSet>();
DateTime rise, set;
foreach (SunTime st in SunTimes)
GetTimes(dt, lat, lng, out rise, out set, st.Angle);
retval.Add(new SunTimeRiseSet
Angle = st.Angle, MorningName = st.MorningName, EveningName = st.EveningName, RiseTime = rise,
SetTime = set
return retval;
public class MoonCalc
public class MoonAzAltDistPa
public double azimuth = 0;
public double altitude = 0;
public double distance = 0;
public double parallacticAngle = 0;
public class MoonFracPhaseAngle
public double fraction = 0;
public double phase = 0;
public double angle = 0;
public static MoonAzAltDistPa GetMoonPosition(DateTime dt, double lat, double lng)
double lw = rad * -lng;
double phi = rad * lat;
double d = JulianDays(dt);
MoonRaDecDist c = MoonCoords(d);
double H = SiderealTime(d, lw) - c.ra;
double h = Altitude(H, phi, c.dec);
// formula 14.1 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998.
double pa = Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(H), Math.Tan(phi) * Math.Cos(c.dec) - Math.Sin(c.dec) * Math.Cos(H));
h += AstroRefraction(h); // altitude correction for refraction
return new MoonAzAltDistPa
{ azimuth = Azimuth(H, phi, c.dec), altitude = h, distance = c.dist, parallacticAngle = pa };
public static MoonFracPhaseAngle GetMoonIllumination(DateTime dt)
double d = JulianDays(dt);
RaDec s = SunCoords(d);
MoonRaDecDist m = MoonCoords(d);
double sdist = 149598000; // distance from Earth to Sun in km
double phi = Math.Acos(Math.Sin(s.dec) * Math.Sin(m.dec) +
Math.Cos(s.dec) * Math.Cos(m.dec) * Math.Cos(s.ra - m.ra));
double inc = Math.Atan2(sdist * Math.Sin(phi), m.dist - sdist * Math.Cos(phi));
double angle = Math.Atan2(Math.Cos(s.dec) * Math.Sin(s.ra - m.ra), Math.Sin(s.dec) * Math.Cos(m.dec) -
Math.Cos(s.dec) * Math.Sin(m.dec) * Math.Cos(s.ra - m.ra));
return new MoonFracPhaseAngle
fraction = (1 + Math.Cos(inc)) / 2, phase = 0.5 + 0.5 * inc * (angle < 0 ? -1 : 1) / PI,
angle = angle
// DateTime.Max = always up, DateTime.Min = always down
public static void GetMoonTimes(DateTime dt, double lat, double lng, out DateTime risem, out DateTime setm,
out bool? alwaysUp, out bool? alwaysDown)
dt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
DateTime t = dt;
double hc = 0.133 * rad;
double h0 = GetMoonPosition(t, lat, lng).altitude - hc;
double h1, h2, rise = 0, set = 0, a, b, xe, ye = 0, d, x1, x2, dx;
int roots;
for (double i = 1.0; i <= 24.0; i += 2.0)
h1 = GetMoonPosition(HoursLater(t, i), lat, lng).altitude - hc;
h2 = GetMoonPosition(HoursLater(t, i + 1), lat, lng).altitude - hc;
a = (h0 + h2) / 2 - h1;
b = (h2 - h0) / 2;
xe = -b / (2 * a);
ye = (a * xe + b) * xe + h1;
d = b * b - 4 * a * h1;
roots = 0;
if (d >= 0)
dx = Math.Sqrt(d) / (Math.Abs(a) * 2);
x1 = xe - dx;
x2 = xe + dx;
if (Math.Abs(x1) <= 1)
if (Math.Abs(x2) <= 1)
if (x1 < -1)
x1 = x2;
if (roots == 1)
if (h0 < 0)
rise = i + x1;
set = i + x1;
else if (roots == 2)
rise = i + (ye < 0 ? x2 : x1);
set = i + (ye < 0 ? x1 : x2);
if (rise > 0 && set > 0)
h0 = h2;
risem = DateTime.MinValue;
setm = DateTime.MinValue;
if (rise > 0)
risem = HoursLater(t, rise);
if (set > 0)
setm = HoursLater(t, set);
alwaysUp = null;
alwaysDown = null;
if (rise < 0 && set < 0)
if (ye > 0)
alwaysUp = true;
alwaysDown = false;
risem = DateTime.MaxValue;
setm = DateTime.MaxValue;
alwaysDown = true;
alwaysUp = false;