A library to help enumerate both movie files and directories containing TV show seasons and the run them through the TMBb API.
- Current version (09.08.2018)
- Helper classes to search the TMDb API using the TMdbEasy library through enumerating files in the file system and then construct searches for the TMDb for movies or TV show seasons.
- The return value indicates a poster/still image path, description and detailed description with a file name including all the TMDb ID numbers.
- A helper class to save the TMDb API configuration serialized to XML format for a week so it doesn’t have to be downloaded every time a program is launched.
- A Microsoft® Windows® supporting .NET Framework v.4.6.1
- A GPLv3 compatible application
- v. (09.08.2018)
- Initial release
Usage (non-asynchronous)
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
EasyClient easy = new EasyClient("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
configurations = TMDbConfigCache.GetConfigurations(easy, TMDbConfigCache.ConfigPathWinforms);
var details = TMDbFileEnumerator.GetMovies(easy, @"Z:\Movies");
foreach (var detail in details)
A necessary advertisement
Screen shots
A Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition IDE
Source, GitHub