Starmap is a program which displays a star map with stars and constellations.
- Current version (07.11.2017)
- Scalable star map
- Magnitude limit
- Different star databases (Yale, HYG, Gliese)
- Star database browsing
- User objects
- Solar system visualization
- Constellation database
- Solar system info (planets, sun and moon)
- Supported languages en-US, fi-FI
- Time jumping with “real” or sidereal time
- v. (28.10.2017)
- Positioning to the main form (my own PosLib)
- No time zone dependency
- Clickable planets or the Sun in the main window to see it’s properties
- Added possibility to use those older symbols for the celestial bodies (planets an the sun), see the settings dialog
- Changeable time speed up (seconds, minutes, hours, days..)
- v. (07.11.2017)
- Constellations window remembers its position (my own PosLib)
- Constellation window is resize-able
- The Solar system window remembers its position (my own PosLib)
- Time is rewindable
- Microsoft® Windows® supporting .NET Framework v.4.5.1.
- Any CPU
- v. (15.03.2005)
- The first release quite a while ago
- v. (16.02.2016)
- Completely converted from previous version (v.0.1) .NET Framework v.1.x to v.4.5.1.
- v. (28.10.2017)
- Added positioning to the main form (my own PosLib)
- Fixed sidereal time calculation, thanks to this article
- Removed all time zone references from the code
- Added possibility to click a planet or the Sun in the main window to see it’s properties
- Added possibility to use those older symbols for the celestial bodies (planets an the sun), see the settings dialog
- The moon is now in the right position
- Added some helper classes to DateTime, Sidereal time is now in it’s own class
- Time speed up is now changeable (seconds, minutes, hours, days..)
- v. (07.11.2017)
- Added positioning to the Constellations window (my own PosLib)
- Made the Constellation window resize-able
- Added positioning to the Solar system window (my own PosLib)
- Added possibility to rewind the the time
- Removed X, Y coordinates from the main window as they were for debugging purposes only
Thanks to
- Paul Schlyter, How to compute planetary positions
- Keith Burnett, Calculating mean and apparent sidereal time
The main window
Solar system view
Settings dialog
Jump to time dialog with time / sidereal time